Monday, April 26, 2010

Proof of Concept

I think all in all proof on concept went really well for us, almost all of the people who played our PoC had positive input for us. We did get some negative input on the difficulty and the fact that the camera needs to be changed (we kind of hacked the camera positions together at the 11th hour, so I'm really not too worried about it being terribly complex for me to fix). Also we learned that we need to change the shape of our islands and the fact that there shouldn't be any point on the islands where the player can go that makes it hard to see or shoot at.

I know some people had to hack a lot of their code to get it working for PoC, but thankfully I didn't have to. This can be attributed to the fact that I designed out my modules to be working for our game's gold build. I think the majority of the changes that I'll have to implement would be the "Director" interface for lua and the camera for FF1.

Overall I'm very pleased with what we accomplished in the two weeks development time for PoC. The prototype really helped minimize how long the gameplay took for us to implement (we started putting in game play 2 days before the dead line) and enabled us to devote the majority of our PoC time to setting up the engines.

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